OSHA Training Certifications

100A Eames St - Wilmington,  MA   01887

Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM * by Appt. Only

To better serve you, we ask that you call ahead to schedule an appointment.




(Pricing is based on Single Slab Utilization)

Consequently, there can be no assurances that veins, flow, and other characteristics will match at junction points IE. Seams, joints, and back splash. The price will be based on actual square footage as defined by template measurements. If actual square footage exceeds customer-provided information, a price adjustment will be required.


This proposal is based upon GerrityStone’s review of the rough drawings provided, and values contained herein may be adjusted pending final templated measurements.

• Proposal are based upon non-union labor, unless specified otherwise.

• This proposal does not assume hoisting or lifting above the 2nd floor level.

• This proposal does not assume any caulking of materials other than a bead of silicone between counter and backsplash.

• The proposal does not assume any leveling of material beyond 1/4” above the base support.

• The proposal assumes a tolerance dimension of up to 3/8” between countertop edge, and finished wall face. Unless otherwise stated in the proposal.

• GerrityStone reserves discretion over the placement of material seams. Proposals are good for 30ty days.

CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE: I acknowledge that I have received the pre-template checklist and will comply with the required steps prior to the template and install of my custom fabricated surfaces. All cut by dimension work requires an approved shop drawing prior to fabrication. By signing this agreement, verbally accepting this customer quote or leaving a deposit. I acknowledge I have read this agreement in its entirety, and have requested the specified products, and services and agree to full payment for these products and services. If applicable; I authorize payment in full upon completion with my credit card on file.




Customer Full Name: 


Customer Signature:




Taking the greatest pride in turning your vision into reality since 1997.

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